Understanding Entropion: Inward Turning of the Eyelid
Entropion is a medical condition where the eyelid, typically the lower one, folds inward. This causes the eyelashes and skin to rub against the eyeball, leading to irritation and discomfort. Although it predominantly affects older adults due to muscle and skin relaxation with age, entropion can also result from eye injuries, surgeries, or infections like trachoma, especially in developing countries.
Symptoms of Entropion Include: 
- The sensation of something in the eye.
- Increased tear production.
- Red, irritated eyes.
- Light sensitivity.
- Discharge or crusting on the eyelid.
Ignoring these symptoms can lead to more severe issues such as scratches on the cornea, infections, and potentially, loss of vision.
When to Seek Medical Help:
Immediate medical attention is necessary if you experience intense eye redness, pain, light sensitivity, or a sudden decrease in vision. For general symptoms like the feeling of foreign objects in the eye or visible inward turning of eyelashes, consult with an eye specialist.
Common Causes and Risk Factors:
Factors leading to entropion include:
- Aging, which weakens eye muscles.
- Scarring due to burns, trauma, or previous eye operations.
- Chronic infections like trachoma.
- Spasms in the eyelid muscles.
Treatment and Management:
For mild cases, lubricating eye drops and ointments may suffice to soothe irritation. However, surgery is often necessary to correct the eyelid position for more severe cases to prevent complications.
For expert care and treatment of entropion, consider visiting San Diego Eye & Face. Our specialists are equipped with the latest technologies and techniques to ensure you receive the best possible care. If you suspect you have entropion or have any concerns about your eye health, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to schedule an evaluation.